Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Overall, wouldn't you agree that many people eating at McD's aren't all that concerned about calories?

New York mandated that fast food restaurants with 20 or more locations list caloric facts on the menu. McDonald's is suing... but I'm wondering... most people who go to McD's know they're eating something unhealthy - do you think they would honestly be deterred by calorie count?

Can anyone recommend a romantic restaurant in leeds city centre?

I am going to Leeds on friday and I was wondering if anyone can recommend a romantic restaurant my fiancee and I can go to over the weekend. Also, can anyone recommend any good bars/clubs?

I can't poop AT ALL.?

I've tried pretty much everything. (I've tried diet tea. It works, but I don't want to be drinking that crap all day.) Laxatives, I haven't tried because I heard that they're bad for you. I've sat on the toilet for literally 2 hours, and nothing has came out. I eat a lot of fiber, NOTHING. I go to the doctors, and he prescribes me this powdery sort of laxative, that's healthy for you I'm uming. NOTHING!! What the hell do I do?! I've had this situation for about 1-2 years now. Maybe even 3 years that this has happened. I can't take it anymore, I don't want to keep drinking dietary tea all day!!!

What do you think about Sting Operations By Media >> Good Or bed/Allow or Not Allow? n Why?

If it really does something to expose the working of the Govt or against individuals involved in corruption or against public interests, then I would welcome it. But if it is used to invade into the privacy of somebody or to settle scores, then it should be banned and condemned. In a country like India, where the media is also biased, it is better it is banned. Here the media support the corrupt and the selfish for their favors.

I want to advance my quilting skills......?

Take a look at the block patterns at www.quilterscache.com or a href="http://blockcentral.com/coloringbook.shtml" rel="nofollow"http://blockcentral.com/coloringbook.sht…/a

Is this normal? for a 30 year old male to approach...?

ewww, be very cautious when walking outside. Never go alone, and be very aware of your surroundings. It this continues, contact the local authorities and report his inappropriate behavior before it gets worst and something really bad happens. =P

What's LOA mean? (As heard on Melrose Place last week...)?

On Monday's episode of Melrose Place on the CW, Jonah said to Ella something about 'is that your LOA of asking...' What does LOA mean (in this context)?

Can i make chocolate chip cookies with small chocolate chips?

theyre small ones buy hershey unfortunately thats all i can get chip choc wise in tokyo will it work>?

How can i ask out a that i like guy?

he's in my grade very, popular, most girls like him, very sporty like me, and i and my friends thinks he likes me! Me and my friends always see him looking at me at recess so does that lead to anything? But, i have asked a guy out before but, he was like a guy i could actually talk to and he was the type of guy that says yes to every cute girl! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

Will the Sandisk Ultra II plus (usb) SD card fit in my Canon sd600?

For less than a $100 you should be able to get the 2gb Ultra II card and a reader. I picked up two of these cards at CompUSA for $39.00 each. They are the slower / prior version to their Extreme cards. For a point & shoot camera the faster cards are not needed and would be a waste of money. Here is the link to the spec page for your camera ... a href="http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelTechSpecsAct&fcategoryid=145&modelid=12913" rel="nofollow"http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/contro…/a

What did Jacques Monod and Francois jacob discovered in year 1961?

I am little confused with the discovery made by Jacques Monod and Francois Jacob in year 1961.I am not able to figure out whether they discovered messenger RNA or Operon model or both in year 1961?.

Are ingredients in foods and supplements listed by m?

Its in m units, knowing that their products will be distributed to everyone, and MOLES is not an "everyone word" jargon maybe but still pointless to some other people.

Help me to find a movie name please!?

ohh i remember the movie, the girl who he falls in Love is his true love and when he sees her in the circus time stops .... just give me a minute i'll search for the name :)

Is this laptop good for my needs?

Its OK depending on its price, but there MUUUUUUUUCH better Dell laptops available and they are very cheap (in fact there was one for $649 and it has a way better proccessor and has more RAM, and has a better wireless card than this computer)!

What illicit drugs have you experimented with? Do you regret any of your adventures with said substances?

I have tried smokin doobage, hash, ingesting 'shrooms, eating hash cookies and I snorted cocaine a few times. I have not done any since the summer of '98, and I most likely never will again, but I do not regret trying them when I did... though I think the coke was pretty stupid.

My friend seems a little... misguided... in Catholicism...?

Anyone who attends M regularly hears more Scripture than you are likely to hear in any Protestant service. In fact, if you attend M for three years you will hear almost the entire Bible read. Everyone sins, that' a given.

Trade chris bosh for ray allen and oj mayo?

if you can get chris bosh by dealing away those guys go for it. allen has almost no fantasy value this year but bos is booming and he's in a contract year so you can expect it all season long. if you're gettin bosh, go ahead and do the trade.

Where can I buy affordable vinyls?

One good place to look is at flea markets. They usually have good deals too. Sometimes they have albums priced as low as 50 cents.

To THEISTS: Why do you think god created humans?

And an answer like 'because he loves man'. That does not answer the question. There needed to be a motive for your god to create human beings. And if he really was omniscient, wouldn't he be able to forsee death, destruction, hate, and non-belief? If his intentions were to have it so that in order to appreciate his love he would devise a plan to make all imperfect, why didn't he just created humans imperfect from the get-go instead of having the fall occur?

Physics question about collisions with conservation of momentum and energy.?

There is no such thing as a "stationary" object. If the bullet embeds itself into the wooden wall of a house, the momentum of the bullet, house, and the entire planet earth must be the same before the collision as after. Almost all the kinetic energy of the bullet will go into heat, noise, and deformation of the house, but the bullet will have some kinetic energy afterward as it moves with the house and the earth.

Why does my mother hurt me so much!!?

Im 37 yrs old and I have 2 brothers. I am the middle child and for yrs my mother has treated me unfairly on everything. she plays favortism with my kids and my youngest brothers kids. Im over it, but when my dad died yrs ago my brothers were left everything to him. i never mentioned this at all, but i wonder why she treats me this way??? I have confronted her on her favortism and i only get the hang up. she never wants to talk to me about how i feel, and i really would love to shut her out for good and the rest of the family. she has only caused me so much grief in my life and my family....i just wish there was another alternative. but its sad that i have never had a tru mom in my life and i have a daughter whos almost 20 and i am thankful for our relationship. it was tough for me because i never had a mom to be there for me for anything. i was wondering is there anyone out there dealing with the same situation. my sister in laws get the best treatment from her, and mom gives the best gifts to them. its ridicilous. HELP!!

Why does this element's isotope spontaneously decay and emit particles with a charge of +2?

Particles with charge 2+ must be alpha particles which normally happen in heavy element . I guess Fr-220 is the heavies--> least stable. Hope it helps...

New Era caps help please?

So i want a Oakland Athletics 59newera cap but i went to the new era websie and thers only like 8 colors I want a Black one with a red A some help please?

Hillary supporters, do you support Hillary taking the issue of FL and MI further?

While I may not like the decision and think it is unfair to Hillary, FL and MI, why takes this further? I think that after June 3rd, if Hillary hasn't overtaken Obama in votes then she should step down gracefully. What purpose would be served in taking this further?

Why hugh hefner marry with 24 girl? do we live in 20th?

do we live in 2010? but I think not. still money is everything and 1 man can marry with 3 women and with his money can do everything he want.....

Should have Health Ledger won an oscar? ?

Should he have won an an oscar for his performance in batman the dark knight? even if he was still alive?

"Does Hinduism exist?"?

hmmm I think the idea is basically that "Hinduism" as such is a term that really describes the many different but more or less related religions of the Indian subcontinent. In India the term "officially" used is Sanatana Dharma or Eternal Law in Sanskrit. But then there are many "sects" or "religions" that are only loosely related to this main central core of "Hinduism", especially in the south. It's a bit complicated, that's what you'll be discussing in your group, I feel. ☼

Best Way To Patch A Hole In Dog Fence?

Call a fencing company to fix it. I am curious about that "High energy level" thing as you say you went on a bike ride, but you did not have time to exercise the dog or take it for a walk instead? Ever thought about teaching the dog to jog along beside the bike? High energy is your excuse, your dog is escaping because you leave the poor thing out there 24-7 and he is getting out to get some human companionship. Let the dog out to relieve itself and then go out and play with it or bring it back into the house. Many breeds of dogs are high energy, some more so than Labs, and you manage them by training them and providing adequate exercise and companionship. If you want a dog to leave out 24-7, get one of those stone lawn ornaments. You created your own problem by getting a social high energy breed that needs human interaction & you can solve your problem by using the free time you have to do things with the dog so that he has no desire to get out of his solitary confinement cell to go find someone.... anyone to be with.

The shoes in the movie confessions of a teenage drama queen?

In the scene were their in stew wolf's room? The shoes ella is wearing that come up to her knees? Can I get those somewhere?

Monday, November 14, 2011

So Will there be a Cotto vs Mosley match again?

I think that if Cotto and Mosley step in the ring again it will be like their last fight. Cotto won't be there to hit like Margarito was and he will just impose the same gameplan as he did last time. Mosley was on fire that night against Margarito, but at 37 we can't expect him to do that in every fight.

How do you trademark a name for a pro wrestling promotion?How much does that cost?

Go the the US patent and trademark office website. You can find all of this information there. If applicable, you can even apply online.

Can I get pregnant from having during placebo week of my birth control?

I've been taking a birth control pill called Aviane for about three months now. I've never missed a day and I always take it around the same time everyday. The first month was fine, but in the second and third months, I started having my period during the middle of the pack and not during the week of the placebo pills(...meaning I would ovulate during the placebos?) I just took my last placebo, so I'm out of birth control and I can't get a doctor's appointment to get a refill for another week (I know I should have gotten an appointment earlier, but I'm a college student and it's midterms). But this means that I'm going to have to stop the pill for a week or two, until I can get an appointment for a refill, then restart it. Whatever, it's my own damn fault. The problem is that I had with my boyfriend last night without a condom and he didn't pull out (Not smart, I know...also my own damn fault). Since I'm not on my period and I had during the placebo pills (2 weeks after my period) and I'm going to have no choice but to stop the pill, what are my chances of getting pregnant? Should I take Plan B?

Are black women in general less liberated in the bedroom than other races?

If i ask a black girl who i m good friends with to have a with me and my friend will the answer more than often be a no? Its something i would like to try and i trust her to enjoy this experience with, i don't want to insult her though.

Is it true that if you want to compete in mma you should learn one martial art at a time?

Because right now i am doing bjj, kickboxing and boxing. Is it better for me to just work on my jiu jitsu for a few years instead of doing them all at once? Considering i want to be a cage fighter?

These are a couple poems I need for english...?

I see the different poems, not sure what you need, have you written them, give them each a title. Check your spelling.

I have an opportunity to a free snowboard, should I take it?

I found an ad on a website in my town for a free Killer Loop snowboard, it doesn't have any bindings and the bottom plastic edging is separated. I want to learn how to snowboard and I'm wondering if I should take the snowboard and pay for new bindings, but will it be worth it?

Poll: Right this very now?

How Yucko do you feel? I woke up late and didnt have to wash my hair. It looks fab right now, but come noon time, you could fry chicken on my greasy head. I did have time to shower by body thank heaven. I'm a stinky gal in the AM

How could God be fair if he allows millions of people to be born and die without knowing who Jesus even was?

You must know God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ to be saved (John 17:3). You must be baptized (John 3:3-5). Those who do not have an opportunity to be baptized in mortal life, can accept baptism later (1 Corinthian 15:29). Those who do not hear the gospel in this life will have an opportunity to hear it after this life (1 Peter 4:6). Good people will have a thousand years to practice and perfect their full submission to the gospel and its Author (Revelation 20:2-7).

Can someone please explain the First Indochina War?

I found summaries online though none of them seem to clearly explain how it ended or what precipitated the partitioning of the nation of Vietnam. If you can explain it in a couple sentences it would be greatly appreciated.

Race change question?

Since people can change their gender, can I get a race change operation too? Like, I'm white, so if I wanted to get the benefits of affirmative action could I just have an operation and become black?

Is it normal that Indian men ALWAYS look at me?

Okay. This is to any of the Indians out there. I am 17 years old, female and half indian, half sri-lankan, however I look mostly indian. I noticed that when i was in India and Sri-Lanka (I was in year 8 at the time), where ever I went, nearly all the men in that area would look at me. Not just look, STARE!!! They would give me these creepy smiles and stand right in front of me just to keep staring at me. I'm not trying to be y. Honest. Actually, I cried almost everyday because of it. Imagine everywhere you went having men gawk at you al the time!!! I even tried to look extremely ugly, but it didn't work. Even now in Australia where I was born and have always lived, I notice that some men look at me when i p by. i never realised this until I came back from my trip. My family tell me that I'm beautiful, but I guess they have to say that, but come on, that can't be it! There has to be something else! PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME IF THIS IS NORMAL. I NEED TO FEEL NORMAL!!!!

Where can i find a place to teach my daughter to put on makup?

like a place i can bring her for a day and theyll teach her the basics and stuff. plus i live in illinois.

Im being sued and i know i owe the money.?

i will sell my house to pay off this debt which i plan on doing within the next 6 months. I proposed this to the plaintiff but they never responded. should i just file a defense admitting the allegations and hope they allow me the 6 months to sell or would a different course of action be advisable?

Can someone help me decipher this quote?--10 pts to best answer!?

It seems like John Hale is pleading to Elizabeth to make Proctor save himself. It seems to say that John would die for his pride, he asks what good would it do for John to die ie, bleed, dust, and worms...then be his helper, if she pleads with him then he can be set free without guilt.

Big Bang Skeptics,what evidence do you need to change your mind? Pictures maybe?

a href="http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/special-features/big-bang-telescope-probe-captures-first-image-of-our-universe/story-e6frg1ac-1225888327841?from=public_rss" rel="nofollow"http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/special-…/a

My nose is always clogged, and i have extreme bad breath?

First I would find another doctor. You need tests ran. Find a good ear, nose and throat doctor. Also you should see a periodontist who deals with gums and bacteria in the mouth (you may need a referral from your regular dentist). The periodontist gives a more extensive cleaning than your dentist can give and they help get to the bottom of your bad breath problems in your mouth and throat. So between the Periodontist and the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor, they should be able to help you.

How did overseas exploration and settlement affect Spain's power?

grew cause spain got stuff from their territories in the new world, got more territories from sending out so many explorers

3 examples of how the us ignored washingtons farewell address?

Washington called for the US not to ally itself or show favoritism. He warned against interventionalism. The US is doing none of these things.

Is the carmen winstead story true ?

No, it was made up by 2 teens trying to get friends on myspace. Then a rumor started that Carmen got pushed down a sewer, but thats just a lie so dont worry about Carmen coming if you dont repost her death story. Trust me I never repost chain letters about people who are NOT real. For more information go to my web page at BRK.com. It's soooo totally not true I know it sounds all scary and weird but it's not true at all so don't worry.

Has anybody heard from Patricia White lately?

Whiterobe Ministries. Used to be in Gambrill, Ohio. Source of "The Red Sea Song," "The Shepherd Is Here," "Only You Can," "Whatever Happened to Judy," "Love Will."


okay i need to know what style of fashion is miley cyrus when shes in a xonncert or red carpet and in her episodes . so is it preppy or what and can some1 pls tell me shops that sell outfits lke miley ? thanx and tell me tips about the style

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Employee refuses to work of a manager promoted on an "affirmative action" agenda?

If an employee insists on not working for any manager that has been "promoted due to an affirmative action program", how should the be treated? If he quits and claims discrimination over a promotion, what is the recourse?

Soldiers of Christ Do biblical limits make you afraid of the opposing forces superior weapons and firepower?

Yes, i am ready for the Rapture. I know that the Atheist and Evolutionists are winning...for now. But when Jesus comes back it says clearly in revelation that we ARE going to win. And its going to be awesome. It says in the Bible that everyone on the face of the earth will be crying our to the Lord...but he wont answer them. Its just amazing how amazing and powerful he really is

How can you trace someone's IP address?

I am being hared through the internet, and I am hoping that if I am able to trace their IP address it will freak them out and it will stop.

People keep stealing my books!?

I'm so sick and tired of people stealing my books...so far three of my books have been stolen I'm pretty sure when I'm putting my things in my locker someone who walks by takes my book. So far I've lost the great gatsby, treasure island, and murder on the orient express. How can I get my books back?

What is marting material?

I'm not sure if this is a typo but I am looking to buy a dress online hand made and they say it is marting material. What is this (or what do they mean) and how decent is this material. I want it for bridesmaid dresses. Thanks

Uneven brake pad wearying?

Check the caliper sliders that are behind the rubber protectors located on the caliper bracket, Chances are they need to be cleaned and greased up There's also a chance it's time for new rotors. The Honda rotors these day's make it through 2 pad replacements before it's time for new ones. The material now a day's pads are made of is harder on the rotors where as the rotors are no longer able to dissipate the heat, tend to wear unevenly, and fall under the rotors minimum thickness specifications. The Idle being lower than normal I doubt if changing spark plugs will help. That is if the low idle isn't caused from a miss fire, Look for hard spots or signs of arcing in the wires, however using an ohm meter is the best way to check them. When you Twist and Pull your spark plug boots off check the ends of the wires for signs of oil which would indicate leaking oil tube seals which Honda's are notorious for. Good Luck and Hope this helps.

Re. am i fat i want to loose weight?

i want to loose weight im like 5ft 6 inches in planning to be in athletics and i want to know if there is anyway i can start loosing weight like over the summer we get out of school in 2 weeks and im around 140 but i used to weigh 153 but lost that and weigh 132 so i want to know if ther are any workout vids i can look at online btw im turnning 12 in 5 more days


HAHaHa i like pissed my pants when i read the part bout yo fly. Hah okay heres my advice. It doesnt matter if your rich or mad poor. A girl likes a guy whos sweet and puts her first. I would just flirt with her, ask her fo her numba, then ask her out on a date. (:

Does this shy guy like me?

Yeah this guy REALY likes you but he is TOO shy to go any further. If you like him alot to go out with him as it appears just go up to him and say hi and start taliking to him about anything. Maybe it will appear as if he doesn't want to talk to you or doesn't look at you but thats all normal for a shy guy. And if you realy like how its going with the talking you can give him your number and ask him if he wants to do anything with you after school like bowling, studing, watching a movie, or a party. Hope you guys ends up together =P

What can I do to help the environment?

I am looking for cost-effective, everyday solutions that will reduce my carbon footprint and help slow global warming.

Who was the grandfather of Ludwig Van Beethoven?

Doing a report on Beethoven, and I've become confused as to who Beethoven's grandfather was. I have two different people, both are said to be is grandfather. There is Louis van Beethoven and Lodewijk van Beethoven. Several different websites state one or the other is Ludwig's grandfather (on his father's side of the family.) Which one is it?

Nursing a 13 month old?

im still nursing my son..he drinks out of sippy cups and and eats good but still wants to nurse.he wakes up at night at least twice and wants to nurse.he fights and cries if he doesnt get it..he wont take a pacifier...i dont mind nursing him but only feel he should right before bed and in the morning....anyone else having this problem?

Why do you keep asking about atheist/christian/jews/muslim/… when you already know the answer?

i am perfectly capable of expressing my opinions about religion online and in person. in my history course i constantly speak up and state my thoughts about religion, regardless of the fact that many people don't agree with me. i have nothing to admit because i don't agree with your question at all.

Who's a really hot professional football player?

me and my friend have been like texting each other for ever trying to figure out who's the top 15 hottest pro football players, we only have Reggie Bush, Tom Brady, and Brett Farr........we dont think the manning brothers are that cute

Where can I find REAL chocolate?

Lol!! Gold dust?? Anyway, try a local health food store....they usually have higher levels of cocoa content in their dark chocolates. But a lot of the health food chocolates have bizarre ingredients too, like chilies or something, so you may have to check around. I hate that waxy texture too....

What kind of Major/Career should I pursue if I like.............?

Caring for the environment, helping conserve resources, speaking several languages, traveling around the world? More of an environmental related career?

No one will answer! Please help I'll return the favor :)?

he likes you. I don't think you need to do anything to get him except maybe kick up the flirting by calling him hun in return. I used to always text my boyfriend in the mornings saying "Good morning sunshine!!! :)" before we were officially bf and gf. Just keep up the flirting and i'm sure he will take the initiative to ask you out.

Do you think Keanu and Sandra should hook up?

They have both had heartache and pain in their lives, and seem to have a good connection. What do you think?

Consider a 5,000 gallon hot water tank which has a working pressure of 0.5MPa.?

As a result of some malfunction, the pressure in the tank rises to 2 MPa at which point the tank explodes. Taking the atmospheric pressure to be 100 kPa and uming the liquid in the tank to be saturated at the time of the explosion, determine the total explosive energy of the tank in terms of TNT equivalence. (The explosive energy of TNT is about 3250kJ/kg, and 5kg of TNT can cause total destruction of unreinforced structures within about a 7-m radius

Whats your favourite game ever?

Probably, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for N64, one of the best adventure games I played. One that came close is the Onimusha series, for PS2.

Car wont turn over, what could be the problem?

Seized / locked engine. Cam doesn't move? Broken timing belt with valves bashed into the piston, head damage and...Well what you have there, with a long rope tied to it, is a boat anchor.

Who would you rather have (part 8)?

A trio of rajon rondo,steven jackson and brook lopez or a trio of allen iverson,shawn marion and kevin garnett?

Bad skin red bumpy?

If they are ingrown hairs, there are some products you can buy that will help to minimize the occurance. If it's clogged pres, exfoliating helps. If it's pimples, antibacterial soap and exfoliating. You can buy a product called witch hazel, it's like a buck at the pharmacy, it's an astringent that helps prevent them. But if you have them, you basically have to let your body deal with them, no product will magically make them go away, you can only try to prevent them from coming back.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Honda CR-X or Honda Prelude?

I am looking for my first project car. I have decided on an early 90's and am pretty set on the CR-X ('90-'91) or a Prelude ('92-'93). What would be the best way to go if I am looking to spend between $10,000 and $15,000 including the price of the car.

Omggg music is for fat ppl only?

so modest, lolz. if you loved it so much, Id expect that youd know how to spell "screamo" :'D either way, pandora.com is a good site to look for new music.

Are you "Let's pull out of Iraq now" people willing to take the blame for the chaos that will ensue?

why is it that we have been in iraq for almost 5 years now and they are still not in any shape to take ownership of their own security?, I don't agree with leaving immediately, but just staying there as we are now is ludicrous, we are pouring $$ in to that country and NOTHING is being accomplished

Why Does fox news defend racists like Mark Furman and dog the bounty hunter, but demonize black racist?

Reason I'm asking is because Fox news routinely brings up how OJ Simpson should have been found guilty even though he was found not guilty. Called President Obama Racist. Which is Really weird to me being that when dog the bounty hunter was thrown off his show for those 2 years following that racist voicemail he left his son about not wanting "****ERS around the family" Then his quick arrest. Fox news did a lot to defend him. Dog made numerous appearances with Hannity, discussing the racist voicemail, while Hannity defended him int he interviews. Similar to Mark Furman, the cop on the OJ case, was discharged for multiple felonies and found on tape discussing beating up minorities bragging about it, and they also defend him. Even gave him a job as a commentator on Hannity's show. I wonder why they do not feel the need to come to OJ's defense, being that he was found not guilty. DOG and Furman were guilty?yet their the ones who get the defense? Fox News also defended Ted Nugents racist statements in Maryland when he said " There's alot of white people here, I like that". Hannity says he was just " Recognizing the crowd? " And said there's nothing wrong with that. So if Barack Obama spoke in front of a crowd of all black people and said " There's alot of black people here, I like that" Would fox news say there's nothing wrong with that? I mean it's pretty clear this network has an agenda. I know republicans will dissagree with me, and I ask those republicans... Can you name of one situation where Fox news did not defend racist actions from a white person? One time? And, Can you think of one situation, where a black person was being racist, and Fox news covered it, and defended that black person? Whom ever can will get 5 Star point best answer.

Why are unborn babies and those who are ignorant of Jesus get a free p to heaven?

There is an age of accountability. god is just and he knows babies and those who are mentally impaired can not understand or make a decision to accept him. That why the go to heaven if they die, "only those who believe in Jesus and accepts him as their savings goes to heaven" <=== This applies to people like use who can choose and are intelligent enough to know whats right and wrong and the requirement to be saved.

Taking people at face value...?

What you have described about yourself boils down to simply getting along in life. Most people take the route you do - showing trust first, suspicion only when true colors show. But it is also intelligent to be on guard to some degree - after all, there are many dishonest people out to trick and scam you, as we all know. I wouldn't walk through life Pollyanna-style, trusting everyone no matter what. You don't have to be THAT open and trusting, or THAT touchy-feely nice. Most people don't want you up close and personal - just decent and trustworthy.

How many times who looked at your myspacee.?

is there a code to put on your profile or something to see hoo looks at your myspace the mostt or likee who just looked at it ?

Atheists, would you accept Al-Qaeda invitation to join force with them to destroy Christianity?

No thanks. I value the enlightenment principles of individual liberty. I'm not joining with anyone to destroy anything... except maybe Justin Bieber's career.

How to get my chinchilla to like me?

I bought two thenother day and one is fine with being touched and held the other who is a month older both are babies then other is skid dish and does not like being touched or held and just does ntot want anything to do with me how doni get her to cone around and like me? Help pls

How to remove the "you have files waiting to be written to the cd" on BD-ROM?

A BD-ROM appeared when i installed Daemon tools, and every time I log in, a balloon appears that says "you have files waiting to be written to the cd" and when I clicked it it says I need to insert a cd to BD-ROM. how to stop that balloon from appearing?

Parakeet Help!?

i was going to get 2 get a parakeet soon, and i was wondering of what supplys i need. i know i need the cage water holder and food hlder, and i know i need foo and water too in the bowls, i was wondering if there was a type of food where i would have hardly and messes i heard they are messy eaters. i there a type of food and how would i teach him /her to get onto my finger and not fly away. is there a site that contains both hardly and messes and the type of food or can u tell me? thanx

Is it ready for crysis?

I dont know about your score but the computer will work just fine with it maybe a dual video card will work alot better.

Hugo chavez weight?

I think hugo chavez could drop some weight. I wonder if he ever gose to the gym. I wonder how much he weights.?. dose he work out

Ramadan::.:. | [[ haha ]] Is this ayat an excellent example of those today |?

Islam is the biggest revolution and Quran is the greatest miracle but for nonbelievers its nothing. they are like deaf and dumb.

Do you think this cat is cute?

Awh! Ginger cats are my favourite, then white cats. I love that he's not kind of patches of ginger and white, I love it when they're mostly one colour. That's such a cute angle for the photo too. :) I just wanna squeeze him!

Mixing copper and zinc atoms produces the alloy br. What would be produced with the fusion of copper and zi

Mixing copper and zinc atoms produces the alloy br. What would be produced with the fusion of copper and zinc nuclei?

Are puma shoes good for walking?

i'm going to Italy in a couple weeks and we will be walking a lot. what shoes should i get so my feet don't hurt? i was thinking puma sneakers, but are those good for walking around a lot? any other suggestions would be great.

What do you think is wrong with our relationship?

Well you sound like u cause a few of the fights. For example, if you dont want to fight then why give your best friend a nickname just to annoy your boyfriend? That is silly and unnecessary. How old are you guys? In all honestly, you will end up breaking up. It sounds very silly.

Any poems about fairness, racism, bullying ...etc???? PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!?

Many poets of the Harlem Renaissance wrote powerful poems about racism. A web search on Langston Hughes or Countee Cullen, for example, will lead you to a number of poems you could use for this ignment.

Alternative for finch nesting box?

ok so i don't live near a pet shop. and buying a nesting box isn't just a drive either. Im pretty isolated. I have zebra finches. i don't have a nesting box. so whats an alternative idea.

Is Barack Obama's biggest political liability Nancy Pelosi (and friends--Jane Harman)?

I am starting to think that Pelosi is going to have a democrat revolt in the house! Yes she is a liability to the whole party!

Does Versace for women smell good?

a href="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.smellies.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/product_images/Versace-woman-W500.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.smellies.co.nz/fragrances/women/&usg=__HUMUZ0Z7qD_Ek5iVqK6_LLb9LME=&h=500&w=500&sz=33&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=gvKxaUuIbgMXEM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=117&ei=KTtpTZ_bMpO1hAeU3visDQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dversace%2Bfor%2Bwomen%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D520%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1030&vpy=55&dur=1830&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=98&ty=99&oei=KTtpTZ_bMpO1hAeU3visDQ&page=1&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0" rel="nofollow"http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=ht…/a

Simple wieght loss book?

I'm looking for a book that will simply guide me through wieght loss. I've been researching books but everything seems complex in thier diets and ideas. I'm just really looking for something very straightforward that actually works. Has anyone ever tried the Ultrasimple diet? What were you're expieriences?

Do you like the name Poppy?

My friend calls her Grandfather Poppy, What about Georgia Rose? That's not common and very pretty, or Avery Rose or Dylan Rose.. Do you like those?

When do cells carry out the process of meiosis? and what does it make?

Meiosis is the process of cell division in ually reproducing organisms that reduces the number of chromosomes in reproductive cells from diploid to haploid, leading to the production of gametes in animals and spores in plants. this results in 4 cells gametes aka egg and sperm.

Minorities getting jobs over whites to fill company quotas?

I'd have to agree with you. I understand the concept of the action, but a concept and what it really does are 2 different things. I think it should be the best person for the job and most companies these days are so used to being proud of diversity in the workplace that I don't think that it would matter. Minorities are also just as educated as non-minorities and I would be offended to find out I got a job because of my heritage and not my merit. Or even that I got the job because I was a woman or over a certain age.

Does anyone remember when Juan Manuel Marquez ducked the Pacman after their 1st fight?

After Pacquiao-Marquez 1, Marquez ducked Pacquiao because of Pacquiao has no Championship Belt. But after Pacquiao - Marquez 2, Pacquiao ducked because his body m is increasing and hard to fight as a Superfeatherweight.

Can someone tell me where I can find a free copie of ares software?

www.openoffice.org - good free software. free.grisoft.com - good antivirus free software. www.microsoft.com - good free software for some things. www.getfirefox.com - good free web browser. (I'm certain you're not a thief asking for where you can ILLEGALLY download commercial software).

Friday, November 11, 2011

My grandmothers maiden name was Francis Podboj and she arrived in 1904/5?

Ellis Island shows a Franja Podboj arriving about that time, I know she was very young when she arrived. I always new my grandmother as Francis, and she was Slovenian. Could this be the same person, and Is Franja a man or ladies name????

Recipe for Fake Blood?

I need a good recipe for fake blood. I am involved in an indy film and i need to create a fake blood substance. I have some recipes but i want to toy with others to see which i like the best for the scene. Any ideas anyone?

How do u spell santa claus(e)?

Either way will do. Although one may say the correct way is "Santa Claus," people often spell "Santa Clause" too, so both are acceptable. Grammar-Nazis wouldn't get on your case for adding the (e) at the end.

German translation please?

gehen weg oder ich will Ihnen schaden.... Thats as good as it gets ... Some English does not translate...

Fox News Watchers: Were You Shocked Your Pundits were all Wrong?

I looked at every poll every day for several weeks. There was one day where a couple of polls showed "tightening" but the others stayed the same. Then the next day after fox claimed the race was tightening the polls went further ahead for Obama, culminating in the largest gallup poll lead for Obama thus far. but despite what my eyes were seeing, the pundits continued to claim, despite all available evidence, that the polls were "tightening". Fox makes *&it up. Period. They know they are doing it, and do it anyways. Their bias is not the same as the mainstream medias bias. They literally go out of their way to misinform their audience.

How does a wireless router work if u have wireless broadband, how do i bring it round my house if the ariel of

from your modem you have your wireless router hooked up together and that is connected to your wireless laptop and computer with adapter for wireless access. If your antenna is to small to give send out signal, then you get a larger antenna if you have a linksys router if u have another and cant replace antenna get a repeater that will increase signal coverage and reach all your devices.

New Molly swimming irradically?

There may be nothing wrong with your fish. My fish do this as well but only when I'm near the tank or just before I feed them. All the fish in your tank should have more of their own kind they are all schooling fish. The light shouldn't be stressing him unless it's too bright. Ring the place where you got him from they should beable to tell you if this is his normal behaviour.


The increase in temp is indicative of when you ovulate. Based on the rise you probably ovulated on wednesday the 25th. The bd on the 22nd may have gotten you pregnant and could be the reason for the fatigue, cramping and pain. You should take a test in about a week and see. Good luck to you

The Jewish Religion brought to the world The Old Testament which is?

sometimes called the Books of Moses. One of the most important Edicts is contained in The Ten Commandments which states "Thou Shalt Not Kill." In 1962 Israel executed on the most despicable Nazis - Adolf Eichmann. Was Israel wrong to execute Eichmann? Why didn't they follow their own proscribed Laws which states "Thou Shalt Not Kill.?"

Does anyone know of freeware for producing good graphic, visualiser effects?

Oh, you're looking for fractal programs. Ultra fractal 5.03 is great for 2d fractals. The only other things are kaleidoscopes, haven't tried them.

What would you do if the crap emergency was this big ?

Probably the same, unless there was a container around and using it was a viable option. Like if you're driving and traffic is crawling but not stopped, it would be difficult. Or if there's more in you than what the container can hold, it could be worse of a mess. Anyway, if it was an emergency, I think you did the right thing by going in your pants a little as you did.

Did God create the beaver smarter than the designs of the Army Corp of Engineers....?

Like all God's creatures the beaver is a wonder of creation. But for that 'fool' who thinks there is no God it is all wasted and he mindlessly goes through life missing the joys of that creation. What is more he misses out on salvation, how sad.

Can a Texas State Trooper harr you @ home?

Can a Texas State Trooper harr you @ home? He said he was the peace officer and to turn my music down. It was 8:15p! Can they do that? This guy is a walking douche bag who needs to get laid (obviously) and I wanna know if he can take his agression out on us - his unbeknownst neighbors?

Rate my yugioh! deck?

Its not good, but its not bad. Trust me, ive seen bad and this isnt it, but with that said it wont win you a tournament.........it seems like youre trying to make a deck with what you have and not buy anything, if thats the case then im not going to edit this because there would be no point.

Natural hair regrowth for Hereditary hair loss?

uk hair solutions have a formula called (thicker hair) you use it once a week and it makes your hair thicker, alopecia runs in my famille, by 35 every one gets bold, i always used natural remedies as i have always being against harsh treatments and i am 52 now and all my hair in place, it still got thinner with the years but it still growing and alive.

This is an excerpt from an original novel of mine. Could you please critique it?

Lovely penmanship. I must say, I loved the dialogue the most. Make sure to include more actions. Like when Lucinda comments to Helen about the marriage, you could include actions like Helen pecking at the hem of her dress uncomfortably. Paragraph 4, Lucinda is unfazed by the time spent. Not spend. easily mistaken though. Other than that, I think it will be an absolutely clic story. Spot on, fellow novelist.

Windows 7 - Ctrl+C doesn't work?

I'm uming your 'c' key is still functioning? If not, there is obviously some sort of error. Did you try rebooting?

Why do right of center Americans only see a "Liberal or Democrat" vs. Republican scenario?

Because they are intolerant extremists, who see any Democrat or anyone else who disagrees with them as Liberals. Of course when they use it it's a smear word derived from the times of Joe McCarthy

What does this verse mean Proverbs 3:1?

We are counseled here to abide by God’s reminders—his law, or teaching, and his commandments—recorded in the Bible. If we do this, “length of days and years of life and peace will be added” to us. Yes, even now we can enjoy a peaceful life and can avoid pursuits that expose us to the danger of early death that often befalls evildoers. Moreover, we can entertain the hope of eternal life in a peaceful new world.—Proverbs 1:24-31; 2:21, 22.

Not another joke???!!!?

a manu fan is driving around in his van when he see's a priest walking down the side of the road. being the nice fella he is he winds down the window and asks the priest if he'd like a lift. the priest accepts the offer and climbs into the penger seat.. where to? asks the united fan. just the church, replies the priest.. however, on route to the church the united fan spots a liverpool fan crossing the road and promptly puts down his accelerator to catch up to him. just before the van hits the scouser the driver realises that he has the priest with him and quickly swerves to avoid the liverpool fan.. the penger door flies wide open and the van skids to a halt.. im so sorry about that father! says the united fan, i almost hit a liverpool fan there.. the priest says 'dont apologise young man, it's ok, i got the with the door'

What do you think of this quotes? bible + quran?

These laws were written by men 2 millenia ago, it's high time we got rid of them and of stupid religious bigotry.

Do u think the media portrays dark haired or blonde haired women as more slutty and liberated ually? why?

Also, which women do you think the media portrays as being more ually conservative and oppressed by their men, blonde women or dark haired women and why?

Downloading Kyou Kara Maou in english?

Hey Guyz i wnat to know from where can i download english dubed Kyou Kara Maou plz help me i love this anime

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Ok my friend is 13 and she got her appendix removed about 4 weeks ago through her belly on. now she had vary bad stomach pains and diareaha and she Always has to poop. She ever throws up sometimes She never fells good anymore. she is back in the hospital because of her stomach pains. is there something wronge with her? Im scared. PLEASE HELP!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to dye hair this color?

I am a hairstylist and i often get people that want that dark rich brown but with a red tint. Your best bet is to go to a salon with a picture of her hair so that your stylist knows exactly what you want. All your stylist should have to do is choose the color of brown that you like and add a little bit of red to that color. Most color lines have a brown color with red in it already it all just depends on how dark that you want it. I use redken in the salon that i am at and the color that seems to work best to achieve that color is called 5Br or if you like it a little darker you could use a 4Br. Every brand of color is different so i would just ask your stylist.

Who do you think an actor/actress that impersonate a famous figure perfectly on screen?

you forgot gary busey in the buddy holly story, or kate hudsons imitation of drew barrymore on SNL (clic) or bette midlers, not really janis joplin just a heck of a lot like her in the rose, or geoffrey rush as peter sellars, or geoffrey rush in shine.

In what ways could the Da Vinci code be seen as attacking christianity?

Myriad false claims about the events in the life of Jesus. The evidence does not support him having a child, moving to France, marrying Mary Magdalene and many other Gnostic beliefs.

Help me please SPANISh speakers! I need you :]] please and thank you?

Looks to me like you want US to do your homework for you...wouldn't that be cheating? and what do you learn from doing this?

Cavalier - honda project?

I have two cars, one a 1999 cavalier z24 which i just blew the engine in it. and i also have a 1993 honda prelude with a h22 in it with a good engine but the body is no good. so im wondering if i can take the h22 engine out of my honda and put it into my cavalier?? oh and the cavalier is automatic and the honda is manual. i know its a lot of work but could it but done?

How can i make my mom get me a dog?

i want a dog soooo much my mom nos i do but she still wont get me one...i tried reasoning with her, i tried proving it to her and i even made a list of 23 reasons why i should have a dog. I EVEN GOTA JOB WALKIN OTHER PEOPLES DOGS!!!! what should i do now

When is the earliest we can file an refund anticipation Loan?

It's best to wait for the IRS to send a check. The IRS and tax filing place already has enough of your money as it is.

Should songs only ever be allowed in the charts once?

After Westlife ruined Home, a brilliant song by Michael Buble and got to number one (they do this a lot!) I would love for covers to be banned. They are rarely any good, in fact u nearly always hear 'its not as good as the original' Sugababes/Girls Aloud murdering Aerosmith/Run Dmc Walk this way also springs to mind recently And i dont care that it was for charity, it was still shocking! Plus all the good songs from 80s, that have just had a new beat put behind them, then the rereleased as new songs. A lot of people dont know DJ Sammys Heaven was a hit for Bryan Adams. Why cant 'artists' be forced to write their own material, I'm sure Westlife and the like would not have half as many number ones if this was the case. What do people think on this? Should artists have to write their own songs? What is gained from covers of songs being released (apart from the obvious fact that it makes whoever owns the rights plenty of money...)

I lied my friends that i skate......What can i do?Please answer?

I lied my friends that i skate and they put me on a skate and to ollie of course i falled and now they make fun of me.......I know that is not good to lie but please what can i do?

I'm 28 years old divorce and have 3 children with me . Now I'm in new love but if i married him my x-husband w

I am lebanese women divorced from 1 year from a man from UAE . My kids with me but the rules here if i marry he can take them . Now i'm in love with a man from lebanon he loves me so much but i don't know what to do .

How is your cervix supposed to feel when your approaching ovulation?

Your cervix should be just up inside your l c, and it should be a little swollen. But, you should have very clear, very wet, very very slippery mucous discharge, and alot coming out.

How great is the Ford Maverick? 1970? and how much would a new good engine cost?looking for a 6 cylinder.?

Is a Maverick a good way to go on a American Muscle car? Ive been looking for one I came across a Maverick for &2,500 it dosent look that bad it runs great but Idk my dad told me to never get a ford because they break down fast.

Who is Saoshyant......?

There is no one by the name of "Saoshyant" anywhere mentioned in Biblical History,sorry about that.Try another sometime.

Where is "Kenentater" Masonry?

I have heard the name several times but I do not know how to spell it. Since I can not spell it I have not been able to find a phone number or address. I know they are working in the KC area but heard they are out of Wisconsin or Michigan or somewhere north.

If a beard was a sign of Virility in Ancient Greece, why is Ares often depicted without one?

In Fact, it seems that Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are the only of the 12 Olympians that are depicted with them more often than not.

What right do i have?

im 18 in my sister is 26 and has 3 kids.her and her boy friend are on roxy (roxicondon) and the kids dad is on drugs too and his mom is the some way because she give the money to him for them and she give her meds to him and the will the kids are to me and my fiance but he get in a car wrack and did not mike it so what can i do to get them because our mom died 10 years ago then our dad died in june this year then my fiance oct of this year thanks for your help

Please, do you have this fudge recipe?

My mom say Paula Deens show about making a fudge with sweetened condensed milk and powered sugar. Do you have the recipe? If yes, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks

My bedroom gets cold at night am thinking of buying a electric oil radiator rather than using the gas boiler.?

Which would be cheaper. I know gas is cheaper than electricity but i only want to heat one room up at night

How can Libs criticize those who watch Fox News while getting most of their news from comedians..Stewart, Mahr?

Why is it that FOX (whose personalities consist of attorneys, academics, executives, and legal experts) is derided by the left, while they consult actors and stand up comedians like Mahr, Stewart, and Colbert for political enlightenment. Are they really in a position to complain about credibility and journalistic integrity? :- /

:[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ OnE TrEe HiLL aw this is sad?

Aw how can you do OTH without Hilary and Chad they're the reason i watch the show, and they just had a baby, what's going on!!! tonights ep. was amazing!!! :O they can't leave :"[[[

How can i make my CURLY hair LONGER?

Your hair won't grow well if you have split ends, it will just break off. You should probably just cut the very damaged bits off, then start doing weekly hair-oil treatments to keep the ends shiny and strong so the heat styling doesnt do anywhere near as much damage.

I am very interested in Game Testing, Just one question is it a full time job,where can I apply,etc so many...?

OK, Currently i am a junior in high school, The only thing that interest me is Video Games, And i am interested in becoming a Game Tester, Just one problem what cles do I need to take to get a Game testing job from Microsoft,capcom,activison, ea, etc What websites can I go to to help me obtain this job, Is it a full time job, How can I apply for the job, Please contact me

My fish tank hasn't cycled after 10 weeks?

Does your test check the hardness/softness of the water. We had very soft water and were having problems with too much ammonia. We have since moved and the water is hard and we aren't having as many problems. I agree with the person who said you might need more fish in the tank for it to cycle. The rule for how many fish is 1 inch of fish to 1 gallon of water. When I first set up my tank I had couple of fish die. Mine has now been going for almost a year and are doing well with 4 guppies and one plecostomus that is now about 5 inches long in a 10 gallon tank. We had a very stable 5 gallon tank with 2 neon tetras and a guppy before we moved across country. I just haven't found a place to set that tank up again. Take some water to a fish store to be tested.

Who is your favorite leader at the national level of goverment during the first decade of the 21st Century?

Of course, George W. Bush for the amazing reasons that you just stated. I would be shocked if anyone could name someone as unparralled in reputation and honor as George W Bush! He has been an inspiration to me, my fellow party animals and all those chimpanzees that look up to him. God bless

Should my poem be the new National Anthem for Australia?

Makes me want to visit - Oh and have a beer. But does the steak pie have kidney in it? See I just don't know about that.

New Dunk Contest dunking fad?

Has Andre Iguodala started the new fad of the off the back of the backboard dunks, ever since 2006 there has been at least1 or 2 in each contest, lol Rudy Fernandez tried to go all Iguodala

Chelito Delgado to America?

In my opinion if I was America Iwould take the young player especially if he's good and best of all he's young. That way he'll stick around loger. And for Chelito, Ithink he's just comng back because he sucked over there, and another thing. He would be a loan, adn he's older...

Who is a better prospect?

Who will be better in the MLB? Mike Aviles, Jed Lowrie, Denard Span, John Bowker, Edgar Gonzalez, Scott Lewis, Justin Masterson, Hiroki Kuroda, Johnny Cueto, Jose Arredondo, Jesse Carlson, Taylor Teagarden, Blake Dewitt or Matt Laporta?

Fantasy baseball trade?

Scutaro hit .200 last week and his BA has dropped over 100 points in a short time. He just isn't worth going after. Offer Delgado and Weeks for Hill and Downs. When you do, ask them for a counter offer. Then you will see where you are. Downs has had a nice start but sucked tonight giving up 3 runs in the ninth inning. You need to make Hill your priority. Good luck!

Help me punctuate this quote?

Be the change you want to see in the world; Mahatma Gandhi not only spoke these words, but lived them as well.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bipolar and borderline personality disorder...how can they co-exist?

Like JG said, Bipolar is a mood disorder which explains the major mood swings, basically bipolar is a fancy name for manic depression. Borderline is a personality disorder. There should of been some formal testing on your friend, not like mri's and blood test but a psychosocial, she must meet the criteria according the DSM-IV. The best way I can try and explain it is... Bipolar is mood swings, usually the person will be depressed, down, tired some time(few days) then hyper or overly happy- think extreme moods, but borderline is you never knowing what you'll get hit with, one second there laughing the next minute there yelling and cursing, could become violent. It's rather confusing, but if your friend is not 100% positive get a second opinion.

Mom and i arent close....?

Tell your mom what you told us.. you need a padded one because a normal fabric one isn't enough coverage.! If she says no, just try to go out and buy one yourself. I did the same thing and my mom got the message.

Am I in Love, Or is Cupid Just playing a dirty trick on me?


Leased house in foreclosure?

Leased house in foreclosure? We are leasing a house in Clovis CA. So CA specific answers would be appreciated. We have lived in a leased house for about 18 months. Rent is always on time. We have been getting a several clues that the house might be close to being in foreclosure. Anyone now how to find out? The owners live several hundred miles from us and this was not an investment property. Co-signer took over. We would like to know if we can find out as quickly as possible and then what are our rights if it is foreclosed. Thanks

Trio musical theatre songs?

I need a musical theatre song for three people. Its two girls and one boy but that really isnt a crucial detail. I just need one thats not too hard.

How many days of abstinence are required for a semen ysis ?? i am very nervous about this test ?help?

The usual period of abstinence is 72 hours. Unlike some of the answers here it does make a difference how long to abstain and it is essential for a valid ysis. Do an internet search for your questions and don't rely on answers by teenagers.

My mom...... eating......................?

Start by going back to your school counselor and telling them everything that you wrote down here. They will be able to step in so you can get professional help. From what you are describing you are probably anorexic (not eating to try and lose weight and have control over some part of your life). Also being 14 means you don't have as much freedom as you would like. Please speak to either your couselor or another teacher they can help you.

I need to know the name of this old childrens book!?

Okay I am desperately trying to find this book for someone. Its a childrens book that has a dog named Sammy that always eats stuff, even oatmeal. Anybody have any ideas on what book this is?

Is it possible to take panic attacks due to the presence of a particular person?

Yes. It is absolutely possible to have panic attacks in the presence of a particular person, or even a particular type of person. You did not mention if you were in therapy or counseling for these panic attacks, but it may be a good idea to start there. Confronting someone when you are in a vulnerable state is rarely a good idea. It opens up the possibility of the person sensing your vulnerability and using that opportunity to take power over you again. Please see a professional about this and decide, in a safe environment, whether you are healthy enough to confront this person. That is not always necessary for recovery, either. Many people are able to overcome panic attacks without having a confrontation. In the meantime, make a plan with yourself as to how you are going to handle the situation if it comes up again. For instance, plan that if you run into this person, you will casually veer off in another direction. Or, plan to say hello and then move away from the person. Make sure that you are choosing something that feels healthy, not something that will make you feel vulnerable. Then, try to put it out of your mind. Having a plan restores your power, because really, the only person you can fix is yourself. Unfortunately, nothing you can do will change someone else. Therefore, take as much control of yourself as possible, and give yourself credit for having done something healthy.

Books on or about Playboy/Hugh Hefner?

Hi, I was wondering if someone can tell me all the books written about playboy and Hugh Hefner. Written by himself, ex girlfriends or anyone

Is there any way to remove my name from a car loan through a divorce?

My husband and I bought a mustang back in October and after a lot of cheating on his part I decided for a divorce. He drives the car and I have no access to it, but I pay half the payments. I am the main person on the loan and he is the co-signer. If I stopped making payments on the car he could probably afford it because he's military and lives on post so he doesn't really have any bills but every time I turn around he doesn't have the money to make his half so how would he make a full payment every month? My question is, now, during, or after the divorce, is there anyway I can get my name off of the car loan so that if he does fault on the payments it won't effect my credit?

Is there any small towns,village,in Victoria Melbourne Australia?

Yes there are many. You wont get crocodiles there to cold but plenty of Kangaroos. Victoria is a very big State and towns and villages are tered all over.

Birmingham Sunday - Langston Hughes HELP!?

It's just connecting the color red from the blood of the girls killed to the makers of dynamite who are the Chinese who are now, after they made explosives, communist, and who's color now is Red, but they have no connection and is quite foreign to Christianity, which was the religion of the church that the bomb blew up along with the girls.

What energy can p through the ozone layer?

What energy waves from the sun's radiation (e.g. ultraviolet, infrared, radio) can p through the ozone layer and into the environment?

A Kane question?

His introduction when he comes out is so dramatic plus his music is so Gothic. That is why he is so cool!

What should I wear with this dress?

Go to forever 21 they have TONS of gorgeous jewelry for cheap! I love that dress I have one that kinda looks like it but I got it from forever 21. I wear my dress with jeggings you can get them at K-mart for $10 I have the Selena Gomez (Dream Out Loud) Jeggings and they even have small pockets in the back! If you chose not to wear the jeggings you can always wear jean jacket(I wouldn't do both though too much jeans lol) You can always wear a white cardigan with or without the jeggings! Hope I could help!!!

What do you guys think about new rumored Carson Palmer trade?

Supposedly according to thegreatestfootballman.com, the Bengals are considering trading Carson Palmer, Dhani Jones, and a 3rd round pick with a conditional 4th round pick next year to the panthers for Jimmy Clausen, Jon Beason, and a second or possibly a first round pick next year and a 5th and 6th this year

Help with corp finance. Thanks!?

You can find the formulas and explanations for all these financial ratios at the source below. Just enter the ratio into the search box.

GIRLS: What Did I Do Wrong?

That's really weird........ maybe she didn't get your number? But honestly even I have no idea why she did that!! Talk to her again on facebook and be straight forward, and ask did you do something wrong.

How are the Party slogan in 1984 a paradox?

Without war there will be no peace. Without slavery there would be no freedom. And in your ignorance you create many strengths. That is how they are paradox. A paradox is a statement or phrase in wich seems self contradictory and absurd but in reality poses a possible truth.

Hydrocarbons - Question homework?

Research the common name for the following hydrocarbons, as well as one use for each: ethane, propane & ethyne. Are there any precautions should be taken when working with these hydrocarbons???

What is the worst book you've ever read?

I haven't read many terrible books but i would have to say Turnabout by Margret Peterson Haddix...i love all her other stuff but i just couldnt get into Turnabout...what is the worst you've read?

What were the key factors that lead to the conquest of the Aztecs by the spanish? According to Broken spears?

Disease was the main factor along with the Tlaxcalteca (Tlaxcala) being allied to the Spanish which brought the fall of the Mexica (Aztecs).

Authentic oxtail stew with dumplings

Hi! I'm looking for an authentic west indian recipes for oxtail stew with dumplings. My fave place to get this is a whopping 20 mins away from me and that's if there is no traffic. Being in NJ/NY area that's very unlikely. I just love the dumplings in the stew. I would prefer someone of the west indian/jamaican decent because thats the taste I'm looking for.

I'm looking for funny movies, help?

Wedding Crashers, American Pie, Superbad, Grandma's Boy, and Freddy Got Fingered was really crude, but I thought it sucked and would never watch it again!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What do you think about Braylon Edwards' demand that the Jets use Mark Sanchez out of the wildcat this Sunday?

Adam Shefter reported that WR Braylon Edwards has had secret meetings with both Offensive Coordinator Brian Schottenheimer and QB Mark Sanchez regarding secret plays in which to stun the fast defense of the Colts.. Edwards feels the ultimate surprise would be running Sanchez out of the wildcat formation for most of the game.. Do you think Sanchez can successfully pull of the wildcat and lead the Jets to the Super Bowl???

Cop took blood sample but I never heard anything?

you have a right to go to the police department and ask for your results because you may need it if you fail so you can get a lawyer

I have a server at home, iwant to give it a domain name but i donlt know how to do it.?

from the public ican only type the ip address to see my webpage, iwant to give it a domain name instead of the number, anybody has any idears???

Think it might be a blood clot.......?

Back in October I gotten hurt at work (back/waitress) then a week later Ive vary sick and couldn't eat, walk, use rest-room and had a temp of 106 and throwing-up witch all caused me to go to a hospital (BOTSFORD) in Farmington, Michigan. I was brought there by EMS and right away they put a I.V in my arm, after hours of waiting in the E.R they put me in a room and there I stayed for two weeks. The doctor told me that my white blood cells where low and so was my protein (I.only.eat.fruit/veggies ) ........ I culdn't eat and they did alot of test witch my doctor (Dr.Blackbird) sucked......... well my last day there they let me ear to see if I could hold it down... I DID.... the next day they discharged me in the process the nurse took out my I.V when I got home I noticed my hand that had the I.V was 3times it regular size and numb.... also where the I.V was it was a line rather then a hold witch seem like the skin was riped or something, days later it went down a little bit but was vary painful.......... 2 1/2 weeks later the pain or numbing wouldnt go away and there was a small bump where it look like the skin riped at........ went back to E.R doctors aid its no bill deal just keep a heating pad on it...lol 4weeks later the bump mover down my vain toward the center of my wist still painfull and numbing now its 1/7/210 remind you this all started in the month of October ... The bump is still in mu wrist it scared where they took the I.V out at and there is two need bumps all not far from each other.... total of 3 bumps, 1=wrist(1st) 1=hand where scar/Iv tooken out at (2ed), 1=arm(3ed).... I still hurts sometimes go numb when you look at it you can see blue where the bump at they fill like the size of a grain of rice.... and it hurts sometimes if i have my arm/hard in different positions. COULD THEY BE BLOOD CLOTS, doctors in Michigan suck so give me tips on what to do God knows you might be more helpful then them stupid-docs

My landlord is suing me because i havent pay rent reson is cuz she hasnt fix anything i mold growing in my hou?

personally i would tell the judge that your landlord isnt providing a suitable residence for you to stay in. Mold is a very dangerous thing to be around. Tell the judge that its very unsuitable for occupancy

Molality of a Solution?

Calculate the molality of a solution that contains 84.1 g of benzoic acid, C6H5COOH, in 366.6 mL of ethanol, C2H5OH. The density of ethanol is 0.789 g/mL.

Electric fireplace... on carpet?

Since your house is newer, unless you specifically purchased carpet with flame resistance, it's going to be a synthetic material like nylon or polypropylene with a really low melting point. All of the different types have a lower melting point than wood will burn at. The question you need to ask the fireplace salesman is, what temperature does the unit emit at the base? If it's enough to melt the material, put clay bricks underneath it. Clay is a natural insulator, and you can set em up in some art deco style manner. Also little sparks have a tendency of getting in carpet and I have a woodburning fireplace in the basement, it's messy; bringing in wood brings in bugs, look up your local bugs.. So make sure you plan for keeping the carpet clean and spark-free!

How exactly did Jesus ascend into heaven?

Acts 1 (Amplified Bible) 9And when He had said this, even as they were looking [at Him], He was caught up, and a cloud received and carried Him away out of their sight. Seeing that Yeshua/Jesus Is The Master Over the sea, the earth and the air....that should not have been a problem for Him.

Please help me rephrase this paragraph in standard English !?

That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

Torn between 2 names!!!?

My sister just had her baby boy and now can't decide on Jacob or Harvey. What do you think? (I prefer Jacob). Thanks for your opinion....

Do the moderators ever take a day off?

Moderators are trolls that work for Y!A. They make sure that innocent people get there account suspend and trolls get to do whatever they want.

Help for Final Fantasy 10-2?

I just started last week, and now I am stuck. ^-^' I am doing the quest for "liberating" the Syndicates Uniforms. I have gotten two, and Im on to the last one, which is in Guadosalam (where the mansion is) Ive been looking around for it everywhere, and I just cant find anything in the area. Any infromation on this will help. Thanks.

Why don't the stores with nurseries have to display which plants are TOXIC to humans & animals?

I am very upset that they are not required to visibly display which plants are toxic. I purchased ALOT of plants about 2 yrs ago, and now have dogs and nearly all the plants I purchased are toxic. Why don't they have to display a sign or something? Some of these plants can be fatal if enough is ingested !

I want to have with my BF..?

youve been together since you were 10!!! wow thats a relationship anyways make sure you got a condom for him somewhere other than that just act flirty and pull his zip down, then he will get turned on

I have uneven nails, how to make them even again?

Your best option is to buy a nail file and file them yourself so that the edge is smooth. Once you have a smooth edge the nail will grow as one length, which will make the nail look 100% better.

How can I improve my fantasy team?

Well it doesn't seem like you need an improvment. Warner has an easy schdule so you don't need a QB. Your RB's are too soild (AP & RICE) & Your WR's are also pretty good as well.

What would Obama do if Israel attacked Iran?

If we do not want them to we can stop them, so I would also think that we gave them permission . If we are going to bomb the nuclear sites we should do it ourselves because Israel does not have what it takes to do it right and we will be blamed in any case. It is such a bad idea that not even Bush would let them so I doubt that Obama will.

Singing in school show help with performance?

I'm singing in my school show (Stars in their eyes :D) and normally wouldn't do this kind of thing but my friends in my form were listening to music and we were singing along and they said I had a great voice & said I should enter the show. I eventually decided to enter (with Grenade by Bruno Mars) and people came up to me and asked me to sing for them (you wouldn't expect someone like me to have a nice voice) and when they heard me they said things like "woah you actually are really good". So now I'm entering the show with a solo but I don't want to look an idiot should I add dance moves or something? Or will just me and a mic be fine? I'm not bothered about winning but it'd nice to p the auditions. :)

I have a problem?

I have just made a group on bebo and then I clicked stop being a moderator. Now it is stuck on my groups on my main bebo page. How do I get it of

Why have we divided the world into countries and continents?

the geography of the earth doesn't start at one point and stop at another - it is continuous, all around the globe. likewise communities of humans and animals and plants are continuous and extend across in all directions. so why have we segregated and demarcated certain areas as "belonging" to certain people, and others to other people? does this segregation actually exist in the real world?

Another Acid attack, What do you think of this result of multiculturalism?

Didnt your kind carry out horrendous medical experiments on Jews 50-60 years ago? And was Anthony Walker's death, sticking an axe in his head, a result of multiculturalism too?

Did anyone else think it was a let down?

Chronicles or Narnia: prince Caspian? i didn't like it. So different from the book and 3/4 was fighting, the other 1/4 was yelling. im sorry if it offends anyone.

Medium size sporty dog breeds that would suit a small house?

i've had experience with miniature schnauzers and they're really smart and have fun personalities and the really awesome part is they hardly shed at all!

Why do people think kids are so badly behaved?

I do believe that the upcoming generation of children are very badly behaved. The new era of parenting, disciplining, and school systems are turning children into spoiled, candy-ed brats. I am 19 and my brother is 11, and he is extremely badly behaved and treats everyone like dirt. I (and this isn't my opinion, my parents agree) was much better behaved because I was punished for misbehaving, and they seem to let my brother slide for everything. I notice this sort of trend with almost all children today. If I had said that to my father, he would probably still be beating me to this day.

Can I eat raw oysters?

you can eat anything raw. the more important point to consider is whether or not it is a good idea to eat something raw. some things are just not safe raw. raw shellfish in particular can contain nasty bacteria and parasites.

Workers compensation deposition?

I have a workers comp claim that has been open for years. It has been accepted as 100 percent related to work. I am not represented for an attorney. I had to go in for a deposition today. I have seen a Qualified Medical Evaluator and is coming close to making a decision on my claim regarding the percentage I am disabled in any monetary compensation. Does anyone know why the insurance company would have me to do a deposition? Could this be because they are trying to reverse the decision that my claim is work related or could they be doing this to help them determine what and how much I should be compensated for?

Do yo think the following president hopefuls are pioneering different causes they espouse in American polity?

No those candidates are running because they feel that they can lead the country as an American. I think many media outlets stress their differences but I think they would not run if they did not feel able to lead.

My friend is depressed?

but its just about a guy! and she refuses help and just kinda stews in her misery and acts like a forlorn little hero while my other friends have better things to do! did i mention she REFUSES OUR HELP???? it is sooo irritating! should i help her or just ignore it?

Who will be the University of Michigan's new football coach?

I say that because I think that after the apparent allegations of violating NCAA practice rules, I think Michigan will struggle because of the distraction like they did last year & that he'll be gone from U of M.

Monday, November 7, 2011

How to wash/clean my reversible jacket?

I bought a hooded jacket from San francisco on July 4th due to the frightful cold! It was an emergency. It is pretty, pink thick one which has a water-repellant (resistant? waterproof?) exterior and a fleece reversible side inside. It came for a descent price but really great for a cold night. Right now, it is not soiled. But I was just wondering how to wash it because I noticed that there are no washing instructions on it. Or would that go for dry cleaning?

You want a shiver ... and remain perplexed? Then read it here ... To the Protestants and Evangelicals?

Do you really want to shiver? Then read Luther's "On the Jews and Their Lies." The man was a sick anti-Semite.

Are there any muslims in the US army?

If so, how many? Just occurred to me. Best answer with source material gets 10 pts (Though, if you have a good answer that appeals to the intellect I'll give you the points without sources)

What are the possibility of jobs being certified in autocad?

I am currently taking a drafting cl at a technical school. When I am finished with this cl I will be a certified beginning cad technician. I am planning to continue and go to collage and make a career using cad. I would like to know what could I major in, and what job could I possibly get using cad.

Please help with p2p games?

make your the game is an exe or msi or something that can be installed heres a tip read comments lots are useful

I added 2 Baby goldfish to my tank?

it should be ok but goldfish get big. also those fish are nto compatible goldfish need cold waer and guppies need warm but goldfish will live in warm water for a bit.

How to delete my ip address in steps?

my pc saves every detail i made on the web,i really need to delete it for good bec i don't want anyone to know what i do on my pc.can ip address save every little detail on my pc???its really important to delete the whole thing

The brightest star in our sky is Surius, which is 51,700,00 0,000,000 miles away from earth. The speed of?

light is approximately 299,792.458 kilometers per second. Determine how long it will take light leaving Sirius to reach Earth. Use 365 days = 1 year. Please show work

What does Mickie James and the divas look like in real life?

Everyone is saying that Mickie James and the other divas are really pretty in real life. How does Mickie and the other divas look in real life?

Whats this song from clueless?

its the song that elton is singing when he is taking cher home from the party in sun valley...its very quiet in the background but elton is singing over it. it sounds like "turn aaway, turn away away" and it sounds like it might be by the cranberries. but its not on any of the soundtrack lists :(

What is the most practical and safe way to defend your family?

I've decided that a gun would be a bad choice in our house, but I'd like to have some way to defend my family if necessary. I have a 2 year old toddler, a husband, and 2 dogs and we live in a rural area. I think that a TASER would be a good option and I think they're legal in Maine. I qualified with a rifle in the Army, so I have some proficiency with firearms. There are TASERs available that shoot a projectile, right? Other considerations for me are #1 - safety (young boys and guns are NOT a good mix--I need a nonlethal defense) #2 - possibility of defending against wildlife (we have many acres of woods around our house that are a habitat to many creatures) and #3 - something that would allow me to incapacitate an attacker long enough for me to secure the intruder to await the cops' arrival. We have a rowdy bunch of neighbors that I suspect are selling drugs (it's a rented house down the street and they've never directly threatened us, but they're just not the normal, quiet neighbors I would prefer) and I just feel isolated and don't want to be helpless. Would mace be a better choice? Are there any permits I'd have to get? Where do you buy them?

Is this fair?

Alright so my friend has driven me to school for the last two years. We go other places sometimes but not that much because he hates buying gas so if we do I usually have to pay for whatever we do. I made a proposition with him though. I'm into screaming music and stuff like that and I told him that when I get my car in the months ahead, I will drive him anywhere he wants to go free of charge. whenever he suggests to go anywhere, I'll take him but my music has to be on. (this doesnt apply to shcool because hes driven me for two years nearly free) he hates my music and doesnt think its fair, is it?

John cena defies PG on raw?

did anyone else notice that john cena said in his farewell that "karma is a b*tch" lol they censored it in the replays. i bet he thought he could do what he wants since its his last time on raw for about half a year

The Most Dangerous Game !!!?

I think you got it right. I think the "dangerous" part was for the guy and others that got hunted. As they have no instincts for survival like animals do. No claws, teeth, ha!

Which QB should I start?

I have 2 QB spots, and one Q/R/WR/TE spot and i dont know who to put in them. I have Carson Palmer in the Flex spot, and my other QBs are Helbeck v.s. SF, Matt Leinart v.s. MIN, Joe Flacco v.s. GB, and Jason Campbell v.s. NO. As of right now i have Leinart and Helbeck and Palmer in... does anyone think flacco or campbell deserves a spot?

Better Graphics Card vs. More Memory?

I just recently bought a Gateway Laptop with 4GB DDR2, but my graphics card is only 128MB. i would really like to have the OPTION of running higher end computer games but unfortunately, buying a larger Graphics Card is out of the question, so would it make a difference if i bought more RAM? or do i even need more ram in the first place? any info on the subject would be mucho appreciated :) thank you!

What would happen if you filled the world with water?

Just imagine in the future, we have a huge spaceship full of water. We fly and hover next to earth and get a giant hose and start pumping water into the earth. What would happen if we carried on pumping water into it so sea levels rose sky-high and kept going so from outside the earth looked like a ball of water? Would the water just go into the space? What would happen?

Is this a thesis or common knowlege?

Does it need to be one or the other or both or neither. In the tradition of Rene' Descartes, all propositions may be tested. Was his doubt contradicting self evident common knowledge or was it a thesis statement. Need a thesis be uncontradictable to become record logic? If that were true, we may not have records of anything. Would Bishop Berkley be on record for proposing 'nothing' and 'matter' are synonyms.

Using a vaporizer for vitamins and minerals?

I have a vaporizer and was wondering if it's possible to ingest vitamins and minerals with it. It goes up to 400 degrees F. Are vitamins necessary in low enough dosages that I could vaporize them and still get my recommended daily amount?

I am a winner of australian lotto . but i live in other country . how can i sign the payment doents?

I'm sure that the lottery is a scam to steal your money. I've had offers like this before, I've been ripped off. Do not even sign the payment doents.

Can anyone give me a list of 5-10 favourite songs of theirs of the following artists?

Artists are- Ashley Tisdale, Britney Spears, Hillary Duff, Beynce, Shakira, Selena Gomez, Flo Rida, Bryan Adams, Lady Gaga, Backstreet Boys, Taylor Swift, Akon, Enrique, Linkin Park

Is the interior lining of the flex fleece hoody also half cotton/half polyester?

Like the title suggests, is the inner material 50% cotton and 50% polyester, or is it pure cotton like the california fleece version?

Has anyone tried carmen electras strip tease work out? is it good?

It is amazing!! Rough, but totally worth it!! Youre man will love the way you move your body and youll love your body after youve gotten the hang of things.

Why the split opinions about Paranormal Activity?

It very much depends on the person. I found that people who just watch movies with the idea that they are watching a movie, didn't get scared with this movie. But those of us that put ourselves in the character's place and live the movie with them, got scared. I was freaked out by it.

Im done with windows! now i wanna try linux...HOW?

I would go to www.ubuntu.com download the newest version for your computer, burn the image and install it. it comes with firefox, pidgin which is an instant messenger program that can use yahoo. aim, icq msn.. accounts. you can watch youtube videos and make powerpoints and word compatible word process or doents in openoffice which comes with ubuntut it, wall papers all still work and there are thousands of other free programs you can download if you need them.. see www.linuxchurch.com.. its a site i'm building that talks abotu the basics of linux.. what is linux, which version to use and so forth.. its not fully built yet but it will answer some of your questions.. I have been using linux for 3 years, and I will never go back to windows.. welcome to the club

Does God hate same people? Does God forbid same lifestyles?

Actually God created gays, s and s. He created them so that the world would be more interesting cuz otherwise it would've been lame and boring :)

Can i process my employment visa for kuwait from saudi arabia?

ask the co that gave you the offer to sort all the things, they will know all rules and regulations regarding work visas, if they don't know then they can always find out from saudi labour offices

Anybody else feel like this.?

Absolutely love this time of year, nip in the air, leaves turning lovely colours, pretty berries appearing on bushes, only thing to spoil it is the bloody mive spiders what keep coming into my home for a warm, cheeky sods, three of the gits yesterday and a least two a day for the past fortnight, i've hoovered em up, got people to throw them out for me and they wont take a hint. terrified of them, dreading tonight, i'll be sat there with my feet tucked under me and on big spider alert lol.

Ball/Prom Hairstyles..?

My ball is this saturday night, and Im not sure what to do with my hair!! i have a strapless princessy/cinderella type dress that has lots of beading. My hair is just below my shoulders, sometimes i wear a side fringe sometimes i wear it back. The friend im going with is having her hair done like Hilary Duff in A Cinderella Story, so im trying to find something completely different from that! thanks :)

How can I stop being mean to guys?

You are not making things up to have them put in prison, you just don't like what you have seen. it's good to avoid jerks. Some girls have no defenses. When a good guy comes along you will know it better than someone always looking for a good time.♫

Which trade is better?

trade one your backup wr or WR's for someone like felix jones julis jones or james davis ( who might be a free agent).

If Carson Palmer is released or traded where he will end up?

I think he will get a lot of offers considering how many teams need a QB: Bills, Titans, Vikings, Panthers, Buccaneers, Cardinals, 49ers and maybe the Browns and the Dolphins.

Stereoscopic 3d Multimedia? Universal Studos 3d?

I went to Universal studios and went on Terminator 3d, with the 3d gles. I was Just wondering If anyone could find any video, photos, or programs that could be viewed in 3d with THOSE gles online. I have searched google, but I ould only find the cross-eyed ones and the ones for red and blue gles. Thanks In Advance,

Okay i need help with my zombie deck but i cant get all the fancy cards like ill blud or card trooper thanks?

Great deck, whats with all the caps? lol. Too have a competative zombie deck you MUST HAVE IL BUD and card trooper. Now adays since phantom darkness is out you need cards like golbin zombie and vampires curse. You can also add in a couple vampire lords. Until you add those cards this deck gets a 6.5/10 after you get those itll probably be a 9/10.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Do you think I'm a good writer. I'm 15, going into sopre year?

It's decent. I think you fell into the trap that many young writers seem to battle with: You use huge words excessively, and unnecessarily. I used to be that way too, but a semester of creative writing changed my habits. Just keep in mind that you don't need to prove anything to the reader, which is what wordiness comes off as. The plot needs to speak for itself, as does the emotional value of whatever you are writing, so just write without the thesaurus (unless absolutely necessary, of course).

Compare & contrast between brutus & antony funeral speech.?

from what i remember, brutus' speech was self-centered. although he did speak about killing caesar for the good of Rome, it seems that he was implying his own heroism. antony, on the other hand, was the entire opposite. he did not speak of himself. instead, he spoke of caesar's great deeds and feats. antony's most important evidence is caesar's will of course, which proves to the public that he was not at all ambitious. in fact, the will actually shows that caesar's love and dedication to Rome surpes his own death.

How to stop somone telling?

I did something bad as seen in a previous question, however I might be able to talk to the peson and stop them from telling of me and me getting the worst det or suspension. I tried saying I am sorry and begging them to not tell, even bribing. Has anyone got any got any convincing words I could say to him?

Have you started decorating your nursery yet?

I have just found out I am having a boy so I can now go ahead with the decorating. I spent all night yesterday sewing a patch quilt for him and now planning the rest.. Have you picked a theme? Painted the room a certain colour? Put a border around? I like to hear about everyones different creativity!!!

I moved away and she's really upset? Help!?

That's kind of silly. It's not your fault and you're not a jerk. You haven't done anything wrong. It seems like she's just over exaggerating. To get attention maybe? But you really did not do anything wrong. Even if she does like you, it wouldn't of made a difference if you stayed, because you don't like her in that way. It would of been a different case if she was your girlfriend or you were hanging out all the time or what not. Try keeping in contact with her. Have you heard from her that she likes you? You might want to talk to her, sort things out. Good luck :P

I have not been able to eat much?

sometimes i will randomly lose my appetite for days at a time, or i won't be in the mood for almost all types of food. You'll probably get over it and be eating normally again in no time.

My two cats are jealous of each other!?

I have two cats. They are brothers. I raised them both from little kittens. They're about 5 years old now. And they hate each other! They fight all the time. And now the only time I can get them in the same room is when wet food is involved. Also, it seems like when I'm holding/petting one, the other one is always around and glares at me. When they were kittens they loved each other. Cuddled together at night. Shared me without a second thought. The older they get the more they seem to become jealous of each other. And yet as much as they hate each other, we've been unable to separate them. I gave one to my sister and the whole time, he was crying out looking around for his brother. Likewise, the one I kept did the same thing. My sister couldn't bear it and gave him back to me. Now they're back to fighting again. Is there any way to fix this? They only like each other when the other isn't around.

Why won't this illuminated switch light up?

the three wires should go from the power source to the switch, to the load, and the Third wire to a ground i believe. it should have a wiring diagram either on the switch itself or wit the paperwork that came with it.

What is there so much trouble in Sydney at the moment with Indians?

Whats the go with all this racial fighting? it just goes to show that multiculturalism doesn;t work. We never had stabbings and murders and s in the sixties and seventies like we have now, the funny thing is the Indians are calling Australians racists yet it's the Lebanese community that's attacking them not the European Races, during the early decades of immigration in Australia with the Germans, Italians, Greeks Yugo's etc we had few problems, we had the od name calling a few fights, but now with the Asians, Lebs, Sudanese we have so much murder and crime its ridiculous, I say send them back, want to live here then live as the rest of us and be proud of being an Aussie, want to pray to Allah and our women then go home.

Black Metal vs. Death Metal?

Black Metal for me. The only death metal band I really enjoy (though TBH, I'm still exploring the genre) is Death. Black metal is more ambient and atmospheric, IMO.

A simple pendulum has a period of 44.4 s on the Earth. An astronaut then takes it to the surface of the Moon.?

A simple pendulum has a period of 44.4 s on the Earth. An astronaut then takes it to the surface of the Moon. What period does the astronaut measure there?

Does Nick enjoy the afternoon at the apartment in chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby?

I feel like he didn't have a good time seeing as Tom broke Myrtle's nose and all of the cloudiness he was feeling because of the drunkenness. But at the same time at the beginning of the chapter they seem to be having a good time. Any input?

What is the significant of the trojan horse in the history of espionage?

... was it the first recorded instance of espionage, the first recorded instance of conspiracy or a symbol of betrayal ? ? ?

When Jesus arrives to rule from Jerusalem will ethnic Jews have a different role than gentiles grafted in?

to the covenant ? the foundations of that great city Jerusalem are Jewish ociated with the 12 tribes of Israel, Israel even has the name of God carved into its land.

How does a foreclosure affect a co-signer?

Your responsibility is equal to the borrowers. They will try to seize your ets before they will foreclose. The foreclosure effects you exactly the same way as the borrower because you are also refusing to repay the money. When you co-signed you agreed to repay the loan if the borrower flaked. You can't "save yourself" as you already entered a contract agreeing to repay the loan.

Does Poe's poem The Raven have a rhythm?

I know that a lot of poem's have a rhythm. Does poe's poem the raven have it. It rhymes but is it like long short long short?

How do I turn on the wide screen on curtis mathes HDTV HDMI television.?

how do I turn on the wide screen on curtis mathes HDTV HDMI television. I hit a on and now I can't get it back to wide screen again. It looks like there are curtains hanging on each side.

College prospects/ Chances?

Rorie's answer is good, I would just add that if you want to get a specific % probability that you will get into a college, you should check out a href="http://www.mychances.net." rel="nofollow"http://www.mychances.net./a I used it last year and it correctly predicted 8 out of 9 admissions decisions. I also used collegedata a bit, but collegedata doesn't have very good data and it's really confusing to use. MyChances.net is totally free so you should check it out and make an account.

Is she flirting with me Does she like me? what should i do?

I dunno well im 18 and about 3 months ago i went to this tutoring lab in my college after this tutor shes a 22 year old girl.. Well I think she was interested in me or i dunno.. She always smiled and after i said something she was like aww.. aww.. like i said this cl is hard and she was like aww.. one day she was like oh do you know when i the superbowl cuz i need a date or something like that i was like no.. then she asked another girl.. but anyhow.. i stopped going for her help and started to like her, I didnt like her before and now shes different and not as nice but she still smiles and laughs so I dunno.. And yesterday I went to see her she was like You need help I was like yeahh.. and shes like well get help from the other tutors cuz im leaving i wa slike aww and shes like dont worry im not feeling sad.. soo.. And today I went to see her again she was like im sorry i left yesterday then she helped me wih my essay she always was like fixing her hair and then when she said her pants got dirty i was like oh damn and thos elooked nice and then after she was just like bye.. but nothing special i dunno if she likes me.. or just friendly.. im soo confuseddd.. I like her now.. and i dunno what to do to tell her...

Final military pay from the army?

I separated from the army on May 20. Three weeks later I received the 1st LES in the mail which read all zeros and status det which I was expecting because they told us about this LES in the finance brief. Then yesterday June 30 I recieved the final LES with my base pay, BAH, BAS, and Leave sell back entitlements. In the summary it showed my net amount then EOM pay was $0. In the remarks it had pay due at separation which was equal to my net amount. And it showed what bank it was to be deposited in. How soon or late should I recieve my pay. I know it can take up to 180 days after separation but the LES coming threw me off making me think it may come sooner.

Man, I'm bored...guess I'll catch a flim. Any reccommendations? Seen Terminator last week, ho-hum.Good effects?

If you are bored ....Help Lil jack wit hhsi first date Jack's first date a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgudjFRhWls" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgudjFRhW…/a

Is a mitsubishi Verada a better buy than a Toyota Soarer or ford probe ?

Hi guys, I am in the process of looking for a seconf hand car and i was wondering hoe some of them compare. I've done some research already, these are a few of the car I would consider : Mitsubishi verada, Toyota soarer, Honda prelude, Ford probe ? I've always driven pretty old cars, but this time I want to drive something that's abit more ''sporty'' and fun. Thanks for the advice !

We are considering getting a York heat pump to reduce our heating costs.Need to know if anyone has done this.?

We are currently on propane and pay around $5000 per year for fuel. If I switch to the heat pump I am concerned about how much higher my hydro bill will be. If hydro goes up by 100% it will take about 5 years for the unit to pay itself off. Anyone know how much extra hydro it will take? My back up furnace will be electric- high efficiency instead of propane.The salesman could not give us much of a range as to the increased hydro and we are waiting to see if any of his customers can tell us their experience but we could use help from anyone out there...Thanks

Whats wrong with me,do i have a mental illness?

iim 13, have a very wierd mind.i dont think like others.all the time i think about very complex stuff,like why we exist and how life is just a whole bunch of opinions and paradoxes,it started like 4 years ago and it keeps getting worse .,somtimes i cant sleep cuz of it.and i actually think ive come up with the awnsers to some of these questions,but when i try to tell people i cant think of the words to put it in,or they just think im crazy.i cant even tell u right now about the intelligent things i think about cuz i cant word them right,i cant even tell a doctor.and this makes me so frustraited cuz i wanna just let it out and tell people but i cant .im also very creative and imaginitive and poetic.plz tell me if theres somthin wrong cuz its starting to make me deppressed

President Nixon denying health care?

Just wait .20 cents hour, 16 hour days, 7 days a week are coming! China will be N0 1. in 7 years as soon as the one-way free trade group is in control next year!

How do I discipline my 15 month old son?

Ok, I have posted this question already, but there was a typo in the headline...My problem is my 15 month old son's tantrums. He will hit me and bite and kick me when he doesn't get his way. He trows himself down and kicks and screams. I have tried to talk to him, I have tried saying no...I have tried time out...Nothing seems to work. My mother and my in-law tell me to him on the but lightly to get him to understand cause and effect, but I don't know how I feel about . I have heard so many people say that it hurts your child mentally. I am at the end of my rope, and I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?

What is your favorite book?

Mine is The Great Gatsby. I read it a few years ago in high school and it is still my favorite book. I love its writing style.

Algorithm Pesudcode?

Design an algorithm that prompts the user to enter "yes" or "no" and validates the input. (Use Case-insensitive comparison.)

Making a range 2h in runescape?

my suggestion is to get off of runecape. nothing against it, but dude, you could be playing Jade Dynasty or Vindictus. two VERY good MMO's. dude open your eyes to alternatives to runecape.........

Fantasy Football: BLOCKBUSTER TRADE help?!?

no man i would never trade Brady cause Steven Jackson is a bum and Westbrook and just get hurt you have a liable option in Knowshon Moreno hes very talented and has been playing well just replace Addai with Moreno and your set keep Mendenhall in against the lions and go get a win and go from there fantasy football is about getting a set team to live by its making the right starts each week and getting the win just take it one week at a time and play the right players and get a win

Slow Acer Laptop and Norton 360

I had norton 360 and it ATE UP MY MEMORY. My compute was so slow i couldnt even get past the start up screen. The only solution is to uninstall norton. I contatcted norton and they gave me a refund.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Do you have a favorite coffee cup and what does it say or what is special about it?

Does it have pictures of kids, grandkids, pets, cartoon animals, flowers? Mine was "special made" by the family with a picture of my granddaughter and our cat together. It actually looks like our cat is smiling. What about you?

Does anyone believe that OJ Simpson?

uhhh... no. Simpsons shouldn't have that big of an affect and if it does the people who think that shouldn't be around on this planet. Watch Family Guy instead

Should I buy a 93 Plymouth laser turbo 5speed that needs a new rod bearing?

I found a real nice Plymouth laser that is turboed and has a 5speed, What else could you ask for really on kbb its like 2400 in good condition its on CL for 2000 and I dont really know how much to offer him or if I should even get it? he says it still runs....and is a really fun car to drive.Idk just let me know what I should do plz....Thanks

What do you think of these team names?

The team represents Maryland State. The mascot is a crab. The Chesapeaks? As in the Chesapeak Bay. The Snappers? I need help finding a name leave requests at the bottom. I figured I could get away with Chesapeaks since the Knicks are named after pants (Knickerboxers). Is NOT an NBA team. Make sure it is related to Maryland in some way.

Who would win these tag team matches?

John Cena and Mickie James will win. Sheamus and Maryse will win. Shelton Benjamin and Alicia Fox will win. and Undertaker and Michelle McCool will win.

Isnt ARES free? Where Can I download it?

a href="http://filesharingz.com/index.php" rel="nofollow"http://filesharingz.com/index.php/a will give you a listing for ares download along with a lot of other programs.

Favorite Children TV show?

My favorite children's TV show of all time is...yeah heres my problem.It used to amaze my three year old brain (which I still have by the way) but I am listening to children's tv themes right now and I can not think of a favorite I love them all! but if I had to choose one it would probably be Sooty! that was awesome or Mr Benn...or Rosie and Jim! CAN'T DECIDE!

Nba 2k8 Help! What trades should i make?

Trade Boris diaw and Grant hill for David west and tiason chandler and tho second round picks this will make the suns alot bigger team with a defencefe machine tyson, While West will become a awesome 6th to come off the bench. then trade J.jones and W piatowski for Michel finely and 2 second round draft picks. Amare will play forward While Chandler plays center and this will make the suns alto better defencive team. And one tip go to options and then go to rostor team and update your team doesn't Suns have shaq now.

Do you think Chris Benoit killed his family or was it a triple homicide?

Before anybody gets mad at this question. Think about it then answer. There have been some reports coming back that Chris Benoit may not have killed his family then commited suicide. This Question is just to find out what the majority of Yahoo Answers think about the situation.

AMERICANS, if you were voting for your next President tomorrow, whom would you vote for?

Barack Obama. He's going to make healthcare affordable and available for everyone, make community college free, give $4,000 to college students every year to pay for tuition, bring troops home, and a lot more.

I'm prior military,If I put in my paperwork for CSA, Kuwait in January 2010, will there be a new contractor?

I heard that General Dynamic will have the security contract after CSA is done. If you apply with CSA and get hired with them, and then another company takes over the contract, the new company usually keeps the "worker bees" and dumps the old management in favor of their own people.

Can I install a 350 small block engine chevy to an Astro Van chis?

sure it will; you can make almost anything fit into anything. I put a V8 in a plymoth horrizion. It took alot of welding, but I got it to work. Just make sure to plan EVERYTHING before you go ahead and start putting things in.

I HATE CENSUS - I dont want to complete it, can I avoid it ?

I'm with you Doc, I hate any government intrusion in my life. The Census is no exception. Poor Sam swallowed the whole ball didn't he? Bus transportation is not government controlled. I think the great flu shot scare covers the government as far as being prepared is concerned, Doctors? come on.

Can you get swine flu (H1N1) more than once?

VERY unlikely, and if you do, it wouldnt be bad at all, but it is pretty much impossible, but still wash your hands and take the necessary percautions

About how low is your intellect if you depend on the New York Post as a reliable source of information?

the post is certainly a sh*trag, and i myself have no problem calling it New York's Own Nazi Rag Par Excellence, maintaining the fine journalistic tradition of the Jew-baiting Der St�rmer of the Nazi Era...

Anyone else abolsutely disgusted with Hillary?

Is she insane or just the biggest ego-maniac on the planet? She totally robbed Obama of his glory tonight This should have been a night to celebrate his victory but she tainted it by refusing to concede. What is she playing at? She's lost - what does she mean by "I need some time to consider my next move"....? What move? You lost - salvage any tiny shred of dignity you might have left and give Obama the credit he deserves. How can she talk about uniting the party when she refuses to acknowledge that she's lost. I really think she might be insane.

I downloaded Windows Defender on 9/10 because it has free real time protection, but I think something is wrong?

I was having a hard time finding a AntiSpyware Program that is compatible with the Comcast McAfee Security Suite. I had originally had installed Spybot, Spyware Blaster & SUPER AntiSpyware, but they weren't compatible with McAfee so I spoke to a Tech Support Rep. & he told me to uninstall all of them & go find an AntiSpyware Program compatible with McAfee. I went to Windows Marketplace & downloaded Windows Defender. It seemed to be working fine at first, but I was still looking for another AntiSpyware Program & someone recommended Malwarebytes AntiMalware so I installed it yesterday. I have the settings to set scan daily, but Windows Defender keeps saying: You haven't scanned your computer in 3 days. We recommend the you schedule Windows Defender to scan your computer each day. I scanned my computer last night before going to bed, but when I turned my computer on this morning it was still saying I hadn't scanned my computer in 3 days, so I scanned it, then about an hour later it said it again. Is something wrong with Windows Defender? Is this happening because I installed Malwarebytes? How can I get it to stop showing me that alert? I went to tools, but I can't figure it out...

Who does ashley from "the secret life of the american teenager" really like, grant or ricky?

I think Ashley really likes Ricky but is just pretending to like Grant so nobody thinks that she likes Ricky. LOL! I'm rooting for Ashley and Ricky to get together. They would make a good couple

What news organization has the best record of fairness so far in this campaign.?

Mine. There is no such thing as "news" anymore. All that is left is pathetic entertainment shows which mock the ideal of journalistic reporting.

Programs freeze at random then come back a few minutes later... no viruses detected?

I have Vista, everything is on auto updates and I don't have anything on startup other than what I absolutely need. I have run CCleaner (the cleaner and reg fixer) and TrendMicro Housecall which found no viruses. I use FireFox which sometimes freezes or moves slow but it also happens to other programs. I can still play games and sometimes I won't have issues for hours on end but when I do it is horridly annoying. I purchased this laptop new in December and this is the first issue I've ever had with it. Any suggestions? Freeware or programs I should purchase? Please don't suggest using Norton... I really don't like it one bit for my own personal reasons :)

When will the US education system embrace multiculturalism?

I mean including things like Confucionism, Hinduism, Negritude. Will the average American ever know about Mohammed, Toussaint Louverture, Houphouet Boigny...?

LF shine with AT&T cant connect to IMs or the netweork?

im starting to hate my Shine for that the features like IM video share and MEdia Net i cant use any more for when i try clicking on it it says "forbidden" or "Connection Failure" yet i can still make calls and such but i enabled them with my plan so can any1 help me on this?

Attracted to older man. Strange? ?

Ok so point blank I LOVE older men. I just turned 18. So its legal relax. Anyways ever since I was like 6 I just found older men appealing. For example i havent had a bf under 20. But my preference is For men old than 25. My family thinks its really strange lol. And Dr. House aka Hugh Laurie is so y to me. Anyone else have this?

Why did my husband want to change the spelling of his name after 47 years?

Recently, my husband of 19 years, Troi Peter Dilda, decided to legally change the spelling of his first name from "Troy" to "Troi". He really seems to overly-enjoy going around and introducing himself by saying "Hey! I am Troi...With an I!" It is very dramatic for the rest of the family. I would also like to share the fact that he has gone through some other noticable changes in the past month. He dresses in more flashy outsfits and has quit his job at the locals movie theater and has started working at "The Casual Lady" dressing shop at the strip mall. What could have made Troi want to spells his name differently???? Do you think he should have consulted me first before making such a dramatic and violent profound lifetime descision? Troi does not understand that this effects me too. I mean what am I supposed to do? I was trying to get back at him the other day and make him mad, so I said "Hey Troi- I'm going to legally change my name to Gan. G-A-N instead of Jan. How do you like them apples?". Troi didn't really seem to care and said that spelling my name that way just made me seem even more manish. Help! What do I do???

How to remove mac makeup off my guy harvey shirt?

So, I accidentally splatted MAC makeup on my long sleeve guy harvey shirt. I bleached it...it didnt come close to coming off. Please help me!