Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why Does fox news defend racists like Mark Furman and dog the bounty hunter, but demonize black racist?

Reason I'm asking is because Fox news routinely brings up how OJ Simpson should have been found guilty even though he was found not guilty. Called President Obama Racist. Which is Really weird to me being that when dog the bounty hunter was thrown off his show for those 2 years following that racist voicemail he left his son about not wanting "****ERS around the family" Then his quick arrest. Fox news did a lot to defend him. Dog made numerous appearances with Hannity, discussing the racist voicemail, while Hannity defended him int he interviews. Similar to Mark Furman, the cop on the OJ case, was discharged for multiple felonies and found on tape discussing beating up minorities bragging about it, and they also defend him. Even gave him a job as a commentator on Hannity's show. I wonder why they do not feel the need to come to OJ's defense, being that he was found not guilty. DOG and Furman were guilty?yet their the ones who get the defense? Fox News also defended Ted Nugents racist statements in Maryland when he said " There's alot of white people here, I like that". Hannity says he was just " Recognizing the crowd? " And said there's nothing wrong with that. So if Barack Obama spoke in front of a crowd of all black people and said " There's alot of black people here, I like that" Would fox news say there's nothing wrong with that? I mean it's pretty clear this network has an agenda. I know republicans will dissagree with me, and I ask those republicans... Can you name of one situation where Fox news did not defend racist actions from a white person? One time? And, Can you think of one situation, where a black person was being racist, and Fox news covered it, and defended that black person? Whom ever can will get 5 Star point best answer.

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