Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Think it might be a blood clot.......?

Back in October I gotten hurt at work (back/waitress) then a week later Ive vary sick and couldn't eat, walk, use rest-room and had a temp of 106 and throwing-up witch all caused me to go to a hospital (BOTSFORD) in Farmington, Michigan. I was brought there by EMS and right away they put a I.V in my arm, after hours of waiting in the E.R they put me in a room and there I stayed for two weeks. The doctor told me that my white blood cells where low and so was my protein (I.only.eat.fruit/veggies ) ........ I culdn't eat and they did alot of test witch my doctor (Dr.Blackbird) sucked......... well my last day there they let me ear to see if I could hold it down... I DID.... the next day they discharged me in the process the nurse took out my I.V when I got home I noticed my hand that had the I.V was 3times it regular size and numb.... also where the I.V was it was a line rather then a hold witch seem like the skin was riped or something, days later it went down a little bit but was vary painful.......... 2 1/2 weeks later the pain or numbing wouldnt go away and there was a small bump where it look like the skin riped at........ went back to E.R doctors aid its no bill deal just keep a heating pad on it...lol 4weeks later the bump mover down my vain toward the center of my wist still painfull and numbing now its 1/7/210 remind you this all started in the month of October ... The bump is still in mu wrist it scared where they took the I.V out at and there is two need bumps all not far from each other.... total of 3 bumps, 1=wrist(1st) 1=hand where scar/Iv tooken out at (2ed), 1=arm(3ed).... I still hurts sometimes go numb when you look at it you can see blue where the bump at they fill like the size of a grain of rice.... and it hurts sometimes if i have my arm/hard in different positions. COULD THEY BE BLOOD CLOTS, doctors in Michigan suck so give me tips on what to do God knows you might be more helpful then them stupid-docs

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