Saturday, November 5, 2011

Why did my husband want to change the spelling of his name after 47 years?

Recently, my husband of 19 years, Troi Peter Dilda, decided to legally change the spelling of his first name from "Troy" to "Troi". He really seems to overly-enjoy going around and introducing himself by saying "Hey! I am Troi...With an I!" It is very dramatic for the rest of the family. I would also like to share the fact that he has gone through some other noticable changes in the past month. He dresses in more flashy outsfits and has quit his job at the locals movie theater and has started working at "The Casual Lady" dressing shop at the strip mall. What could have made Troi want to spells his name differently???? Do you think he should have consulted me first before making such a dramatic and violent profound lifetime descision? Troi does not understand that this effects me too. I mean what am I supposed to do? I was trying to get back at him the other day and make him mad, so I said "Hey Troi- I'm going to legally change my name to Gan. G-A-N instead of Jan. How do you like them apples?". Troi didn't really seem to care and said that spelling my name that way just made me seem even more manish. Help! What do I do???

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