Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Overall, wouldn't you agree that many people eating at McD's aren't all that concerned about calories?

New York mandated that fast food restaurants with 20 or more locations list caloric facts on the menu. McDonald's is suing... but I'm wondering... most people who go to McD's know they're eating something unhealthy - do you think they would honestly be deterred by calorie count?

Can anyone recommend a romantic restaurant in leeds city centre?

I am going to Leeds on friday and I was wondering if anyone can recommend a romantic restaurant my fiancee and I can go to over the weekend. Also, can anyone recommend any good bars/clubs?

I can't poop AT ALL.?

I've tried pretty much everything. (I've tried diet tea. It works, but I don't want to be drinking that crap all day.) Laxatives, I haven't tried because I heard that they're bad for you. I've sat on the toilet for literally 2 hours, and nothing has came out. I eat a lot of fiber, NOTHING. I go to the doctors, and he prescribes me this powdery sort of laxative, that's healthy for you I'm uming. NOTHING!! What the hell do I do?! I've had this situation for about 1-2 years now. Maybe even 3 years that this has happened. I can't take it anymore, I don't want to keep drinking dietary tea all day!!!

What do you think about Sting Operations By Media >> Good Or bed/Allow or Not Allow? n Why?

If it really does something to expose the working of the Govt or against individuals involved in corruption or against public interests, then I would welcome it. But if it is used to invade into the privacy of somebody or to settle scores, then it should be banned and condemned. In a country like India, where the media is also biased, it is better it is banned. Here the media support the corrupt and the selfish for their favors.

I want to advance my quilting skills......?

Take a look at the block patterns at www.quilterscache.com or a href="http://blockcentral.com/coloringbook.shtml" rel="nofollow"http://blockcentral.com/coloringbook.sht…/a

Is this normal? for a 30 year old male to approach...?

ewww, be very cautious when walking outside. Never go alone, and be very aware of your surroundings. It this continues, contact the local authorities and report his inappropriate behavior before it gets worst and something really bad happens. =P

What's LOA mean? (As heard on Melrose Place last week...)?

On Monday's episode of Melrose Place on the CW, Jonah said to Ella something about 'is that your LOA of asking...' What does LOA mean (in this context)?